
Electronic Roulette – Online Roulette

The online roulette, also known as electronic roulette, plays through software, the various versions of the roulette. The operation is the same; instead of being a croupier who throws the ball, the launch is simulated by a program. A random number generator guarantees the randomness of the draw and, therefore, of the throwing result. The big advantage is it allows you to make even minimum bets of 10 cents, an unthinkable figure for the bets of an earth casino.

The rules, types, odds, and payments are identical, with no substantial difference except the absence of a real croupier replaced by software that generates numbers randomly, making the draws completely random numbers.

Advantages Of Online Roulette

  • Ability to use custom game strategies ;
  • Time available for each unlimited bet ;
  • The comfort of the game from home;
  • No other player at the table;
  • Ability to spin the roulette without betting;
  • Statistics of previous episodes (extraction percentages of numbers, colors, odds and odds …. );
  • Very low minimum bets ;

Roulette has been one of the flagship products since its inception for all casinos, both land and virtual. They have invested heavily in it and continue to create ever-better versions both from a graphic and of playability.

The needs of the players are changing over time; there is a desire to always experiment with something new and with online roulette you are sure that, whatever you want to try, it will be protected because it is certified by a special body, which takes care to give you back an ever better experience also in terms of safety.

The rigorous controls of this important state body ensure that all operators in the sector fully comply with the regulations of the current gambling law, thus allowing you to bet safely and away from any sort of concern.

Every phase of play on roulette takes place in the utmost transparency, ensuring that the entire casino system runs perfectly, away from the possibility of scams of any kind. Every gambler will surely have happened, at least once, to question the honesty of the casino with which he is preparing to challenge fate, this is normal. Therefore this phase of doubt was somehow to be dispelled as soon as possible.

How To Recognize Roulette?

We want to make a promise regarding the safety of online games which is a must for all international operators, which is this: the fact that a casino is not authorized does not necessarily mean that it is a fraudulent portal, not having obtained this certification yet simply means that it is not legal but it can be legal in the rest of the world.

It often happens that players write to us looking for that particular casino that is not legalized and must necessarily play on foreign sites, with the consequent worry of not knowing who they are dealing with. We want to reassure these bettors with reserve, in the sense that, when you turn to foreign sites and, therefore, “it is good to be on the safe side by choosing world-famous portals, in this way you will surely avoid bad surprises. By now, these world-famous sites are all licensed so to date; we do not recommend playing on unauthorized portals.

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